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About Us

Your Child Is in Great Hands

Our Approach

Sleaford Day Nursery provides an excellent foundation on which every child can build their future education within a caring, secure and stimulating environment where they feel valued and happy.

​"Putting the care of your child first"



  • To create a warm, caring and secure environment where children’s individual needs are supported allowing them to grow into independent, confident characters who are respected and valued.

  • To encourage children to care for, enjoy and show interest in the world around them.

  • To work in partnership with parents; enabling children to reach their full potential, beginning their early years education in a positive and happy way.

  • To make the nursery a happy place for all who are part of it and maintain an environment of exploration and self-evaluation, fostering both motivation and a love of learning.

  • To provide well planned activities and opportunities, allowing children to progress successfully through the Early Years Foundation Stage.

  • To support diversity and welcome all children recognising that each child’s learning journey is unique and individual.

Health & Safety

Our Nursery believes that the health and safety of children and the nursery educators is a matter of paramount importance. Sleaford Day Nursery has developed procedures and safe practices to ensure children’s health and safety is maintained and promoted.  Our Educators are committed to providing a safe, healthy environment where children can learn and develop. We work closely with parents and health care professionals to ensure all children access nursery facilities safely.

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